For whatever reason this project took a few months to come together. I knew I wanted this piece to be a bit of a larger culmination of my abilities, but I wasn’t really sure how to go about taking on the task. I needed my wife’s help to art direct, I needed to write a script. I needed to pull together the footage and tell a narrative around what we were doing when we took the day “out”.
What happens when you make a bigger deal out of your smallest idea’s? For me, I get excited. I get pumped on my creative ability, and it will hopefully open more doors beyond what I get paid to do. This is what I’m taking from my time at home during the last year. Things pop into my head and float there as “good idea’s”. Then they die there without reaching any potential at all. I’m going to hold myself accountable to do more of what my soul tells me to do. What would make me happy, feel fulfilled and also achieve the creative release someone like me thrives on.
I needed to get out.