
For a few years I’ve had this idea to make a series of video’s about the Process. What does that mean? Well, as Frank Costanza would say: “That means whatever the hell you want it to mean.” For me, that means any sort of situation, idea, project, trip or anything otherwise in which I learn something about myself. Do something I’ve never done before or did something I didn’t think could be done.

Process started as a small foldable magazine. The idea was to make a one sheet magazine. A magazine made with one sheet of paper. Include photos and written word and then hand deliver or send out to those on my mailing list.

Process: A Hackneyed Companion

I’ve made three total, but have a fourth which I’ve only sent out to prospective clients for my business.
Either way the process of MAKING a magazine I find to be exhilarating and therapeutic. Something about working with your hands. This translated directly into my interest in making this a more traditional motion picture based project.

Currently I’ve posted about seven episodes. I’m not sure how long this will go on for, though I do have like 6 or 7 more in the pipeline. I am also not adhering to any sort of YouTube algorithm on the best time to post, or who to connect with in order to get more viewers. So… if you have any intertest in what I’m doing over this way, i’d like to emplore you to please hit subscribe even if you have no interest in what I’m doing. It just allows my work to be more broadly seen. On top of that, email me, leave a comment, or say something. All of my projects have always been less about the delivery method and more about the community I’d like to build off the internet. Do you do similar work? Do you have an idea for a Process episode? Do you just like what I’m doing? Say something.

I hope something here resonates with you, and if it doesn’t. I hope you find something that does some day.