photo by: Carina Romano (Love Me Do Photography)
I'm sure you (reading this) are like me in many ways, and in some ways we are completely different. However, I think we can agree on this. Sometimes you receive an email that just completely makes your day. Recently I received one of those emails from a wonderful woman who is an editor at a website called Motherly (
They were looking for a few quotes or sound bites from fathers to incorporate into a piece they were writing about. I have quotes, I thought. I also have a lot of shit to say, I also thought. I asked if there was an opportunity to write a column of my own as well and be featured on the site. Lucky enough for me, Colleen and the team at Motherly were very welcome to the idea of allowing me to contribute. All of that out of the way, I'd like to link you to my first written piece on entitled. "4 Things I Learned to do for my Marriage after Children Came Along."
I hope you enjoy it. If you have an suggestions of things, topics, situations or anything else you may want read my thoughts about, leave them here in the comments. I want to write more, but I need your help. Are you interested?