My family is definitely what one would call "big fans" of the show Fixer Upper.
It's not that I necessarily seek it out when it is being premiered on teleivision, but if it's on, we will watch it. Since they've finally put the show on Netflix, it's one of our go-to background shows. A show to put on and then fold the laundry to. Something we watch while cooking dinner. That kind of show.
A recently client of mine had the opportunity to use them in some of the branded content they were creating, and I couldn't have been more thrilled. The piece isn't ground breaking, or earth shattering. It is however beautiful, and even more enthralling is being able to hear the philosophy of both Chip and Joanna straight from their mouths.
I couldn't be more proud of how these pieces turned out, and I hope they turn you into fans of them, and their show as well.